Career opportunities in Information and Communications Technology
Supporting innovation, competitiveness and economic growth: that's our mission at the EPO
Our 7 000 employees from 35 countries prove that the best results are achieved together. As the patent office for Europe, we are proud to deliver high-quality patents and efficient services that foster innovation, competitiveness and economic growth.
The EPO's Information and Communications Technology (ICT) comprises over 1 900 staff including 1 680 examiners working in Munich, The Hague and Berlin.
The sector covers an extremely wide variety of technical fields, including: communication systems and networks, satellites, artificial intelligence (AI), image processing and pattern recognition, cryptography, semiconductors, video games, nuclear fusion reactors.
With the advent of Industry 4.0 and the digitisation of almost every aspect of human life, as patent examiner in our sector, you will have the opportunity to see the latest technology first-hand, support innovation and make decisions that will impact thousands of people – including you.